Pu Erh Tea

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What is Pu Erh Tea

Pu Erh Tea belongs to the dark tea category among the 6 types of Chinese tea. Originating from Yunnan Province, China, this tea stands out due to its unique production process and remarkable aging potential. Consequently, tea lovers around the world appreciate its deep, natural flavor.

Raw and Ripe Pu Erh Tea

The processing of pu erh tea is now divided into two distinct categories: raw tea (生茶) and ripe tea (熟茶) Both types of puerh tea are made from mao tea(毛茶), an unoxidized green tea made from Yunnan’s large-leafed camellia sinensis.

Raw Pu Erh Tea

Raw Pu Erh, also known as Pu Erh Raw Tea, is the traditional form of Puerh tea. It is made from large-leafed tea leaves originating in Yunnan by withering, frying, kneading, and sun-drying. After processing, the tea leaves are pressed into various shapes, such as cakes or bricks, and then aged naturally.

Ripe Pu Erh Tea

Ripe Pu Erh, or Pu Erh Ripe Tea, is a modern innovation in tea production. In the 1970s, to satisfy rising demand, producers developed an accelerated fermentation method called "Pile-fermented" (渥堆). This process involves piling moist tea leaves and allowing them to ferment under controlled conditions for 45 to 60 days. As a result, matured Pu Erh tea quickly develops a flavor akin to tea aged for 20 to 30 years.

Buy Authentic Pu Erh Tea Online

Buying quality pu erh tea online can be challenging, but FONG'S TEA handpicks the best pu erh teas from China and delivers them straight to your home. We source most of our products directly from producers to ensure true quality and competitive pricing. Our wide range of pu erh teas preserves traditional flavors while catering to the preferences of modern city dwellers.